Application » History » Version 25
Version 24 (HAENNIG, Gerald, 12/14/2015 11:54 AM) → Version 25/50 (HAENNIG, Gerald, 12/14/2015 11:57 AM)
h1. 4. Results
This section explains how the Outdoor system has been installed and the results obtained measuring a real TV signal from a Satellite.
p=. !{width:300px}transrecv.jpg!
Optical system (transmitter + fiber + receiver)
h2. 4.1 Preparation
The optical transmitter has been put in an hermetic box.
p=. !{width:300px}installation.jpg!
Hermetic box installed outdoors
Its interface consists of :
* The power supply plug to be connected to the mains ;
* The optical fiber harness (2 fibers) : only the red fiber is actually connected to optical transmitter ; the black fiber is not used, it will enable to have a b ;
* The type F coaxial cable to connect the Antenna Low Noise Block, LNB, to optical transmitter.
Optical transmitter is set to :
* To supply 18 V to LNB, which selects Horizontale polarization ;
* To provide 0 kHz tone to LNB, which set its Local Oscillator to 9.75 GHz to transpose lower Ku Band from 10.7 to 11.7 GHz into IF Band.
* This hermetic box has been mounted on Antenna mast. This Antenna is pointing to Astra 1KR/1L/1M/1N colocalized satellites on 19.2° East.
h2. 4.2 Trials
h3. 4.2.1 Inter Frequency Spectrum with Optical Link
RF output from Optical receiver has been analyzed with Rohde & Schwartz FSV spectrum analyzer :
p=. !{width:600px}rsz_1combine_images.png!
_IF Band, 1 Channel (with Optical Link)_
It is possible to distinguish several channels within the Inter Frequency, IF, band. There is a zoom on left side. The 3 dB channel bandwdith is 22 MHz.
The power is about -32 dBm for the channel centered around 1141 MHz.
p=. !{width:300px}rsz_tv_channel.png!
_TV channel at 1141 MHz_
h3. 4.2.2 Link Quality with Optical link
p=. !{width:500px}Field_trials_setup.jpg!
Measurement setup based on TV, Tuner, IPRICOT SCB router with Optical Receiver (On screen : Einsfestival program on 10744 MHz Horizontal Polarization)
First, optical link performance enables to have a good TV quality (for example, Einsfestival Plus on 10744H).
Channel power and 3 dB Channel bandwidth have been checked with Spectrum Analyzer.
More deeply, physical link quality has been assessed with the information provided by IPRICOT SCB router :
* IPRICOT confirms that input signal is a QPSK modulation with modulation, Forward Error Correction Rate of5/6 (Set to green). Moreover, are detected by IPRICOT is able to get the as specified Frame Synchronization are set to green ;
* Eb/No is reported by IPRICOT.
This data has been compared with data from website like [] :
p=. !{width:500px}table_channels.jpg!
Summary Table
p=. !{width:500px}IFSignal_994MHz.PNG!
Channel Bandwidth & Power at 994 MHz (Ku channel @ 10744 MHz)
p=. !{width:500px}rsz_ipr_sc.png!
Physical link parameter at 10744 MHz
p=. !{width:500px}IFSignal_1494MHz.PNG!
Channel Bandwidth & Power at 1494 MHz (Ku channel @ 11244 MHz)
p=. !{width:500px}rsz_ipr_sc2.png!
Physical link parameter at 11244 MHz
h1. 4. Results
This section explains how the Outdoor system has been installed and the results obtained measuring a real TV signal from a Satellite.
p=. !{width:300px}transrecv.jpg!
Optical system (transmitter + fiber + receiver)
h2. 4.1 Preparation
The optical transmitter has been put in an hermetic box.
p=. !{width:300px}installation.jpg!
Hermetic box installed outdoors
Its interface consists of :
* The power supply plug to be connected to the mains ;
* The optical fiber harness (2 fibers) : only the red fiber is actually connected to optical transmitter ; the black fiber is not used, it will enable to have a b ;
* The type F coaxial cable to connect the Antenna Low Noise Block, LNB, to optical transmitter.
Optical transmitter is set to :
* To supply 18 V to LNB, which selects Horizontale polarization ;
* To provide 0 kHz tone to LNB, which set its Local Oscillator to 9.75 GHz to transpose lower Ku Band from 10.7 to 11.7 GHz into IF Band.
* This hermetic box has been mounted on Antenna mast. This Antenna is pointing to Astra 1KR/1L/1M/1N colocalized satellites on 19.2° East.
h2. 4.2 Trials
h3. 4.2.1 Inter Frequency Spectrum with Optical Link
RF output from Optical receiver has been analyzed with Rohde & Schwartz FSV spectrum analyzer :
p=. !{width:600px}rsz_1combine_images.png!
_IF Band, 1 Channel (with Optical Link)_
It is possible to distinguish several channels within the Inter Frequency, IF, band. There is a zoom on left side. The 3 dB channel bandwdith is 22 MHz.
The power is about -32 dBm for the channel centered around 1141 MHz.
p=. !{width:300px}rsz_tv_channel.png!
_TV channel at 1141 MHz_
h3. 4.2.2 Link Quality with Optical link
p=. !{width:500px}Field_trials_setup.jpg!
Measurement setup based on TV, Tuner, IPRICOT SCB router with Optical Receiver (On screen : Einsfestival program on 10744 MHz Horizontal Polarization)
First, optical link performance enables to have a good TV quality (for example, Einsfestival Plus on 10744H).
Channel power and 3 dB Channel bandwidth have been checked with Spectrum Analyzer.
More deeply, physical link quality has been assessed with the information provided by IPRICOT SCB router :
* IPRICOT confirms that input signal is a QPSK modulation with modulation, Forward Error Correction Rate of5/6 (Set to green). Moreover, are detected by IPRICOT is able to get the as specified Frame Synchronization are set to green ;
* Eb/No is reported by IPRICOT.
This data has been compared with data from website like [] :
p=. !{width:500px}table_channels.jpg!
Summary Table
p=. !{width:500px}IFSignal_994MHz.PNG!
Channel Bandwidth & Power at 994 MHz (Ku channel @ 10744 MHz)
p=. !{width:500px}rsz_ipr_sc.png!
Physical link parameter at 10744 MHz
p=. !{width:500px}IFSignal_1494MHz.PNG!
Channel Bandwidth & Power at 1494 MHz (Ku channel @ 11244 MHz)
p=. !{width:500px}rsz_ipr_sc2.png!
Physical link parameter at 11244 MHz