Quality of experience » History » Version 3

NIESS, Marielle, 03/22/2015 11:04 AM

1 1 NIESS, Marielle
h1. Quality of experience
2 1 NIESS, Marielle
3 1 NIESS, Marielle
Firstly, the human has limitation of its physical capacity with the eyes and the ears, we cannot ear and see everything therefore we are not able to see/ears the imperfection introduces by the channel of communication. 
4 1 NIESS, Marielle
5 1 NIESS, Marielle
Secondly, with the improvement of movies qualities, we are more and more reluctant to watch a movie in bad quality (480/576p) while 10 years before that was the the movie's quality.
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7 3 NIESS, Marielle
-> Insertion tableau
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9 3 NIESS, Marielle
The previous table shows us the resolution increase of movies during the latest years, therefore the quality of experience increase too.