APT images reception » History » Version 2

SCHNEIDER, Joris, 03/24/2017 03:26 PM

1 1 SCHNEIDER, Joris
h1. APT images reception
2 1 SCHNEIDER, Joris
3 2 SCHNEIDER, Joris
Now we know that our antenna is receiving correctly the APT signals, we want to decode this signal and to display the weather images. At first, we used a specific software WXtoImg which demodulate directly the APT signal and do automatically all the processing to display APT images. And then we did all the demodualtion and processing by ourself using LabView
4 2 SCHNEIDER, Joris
5 1 SCHNEIDER, Joris
h2. WXtoImg
6 2 SCHNEIDER, Joris
7 2 SCHNEIDER, Joris
8 1 SCHNEIDER, Joris
9 1 SCHNEIDER, Joris
h2. LabView