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MERIOCHAUD, Antoine, 12/12/2015 04:53 PM

1 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
h1. Report
2 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
3 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
h2. Introduction
4 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
5 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Satellites are a quite new and growing way to improve different ways to communicate all over the world. In order to establish this communication, signals must be transmitted between a satellite and the ground station. To be readable on the two ways, these signals must comply some specifications and to check that this is the case, we can use for example a signal analyser.
6 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
7 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Signal analyser
8 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Assess quality of signals
9 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Figure of merit, characteristics
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11 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
12 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
h2. Scope and objectives
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14 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
15 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
ni-USRP 2950 R : characteristics, block diagram
16 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Antenna : Ku band, X-band ?
17 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Satellites to target
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Measurements to carry out : Analogic vs digital
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h2. Implementation
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h3. Definition of inputs and ways to compute the outputs
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h3. Simulation
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27 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
First we decided to design our signal analyser and to test it with simulated signals generated automatically such as sine wave.
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To do this we first created a VI able to generate a noisy signal. This signal correspond to the addition of three basic signals and a white Gaussian noise. For each basic signal we can set the signal type, the frequency, the amplitude and the offset. For the noise, we can set the noise standard deviation.
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Consequently we can insert the noisy signal into our signal analyser to test it. 
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For example if we set 3 sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes we observe this spectrum
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h3. Moving from simulation to acquisition of real signals
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Definition of inputs and computation models of the outputs
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38 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Generation of a noisy signal + analogic and digital measurements ⇒ do the results match what is expected ?
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Expected issues when we move to the acquisition of the real signal ?
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42 2 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
h2. Tests and results
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44 1 MERIOCHAUD, Antoine
Explanation of the commands and operations to reach the presented results + comparison between what is display by the signal analyser and by Labview + explanations