Initializing and synchronizing a Git repository » History » Version 3

ROQUE, Damien, 01/24/2015 12:47 AM

1 1 ROQUE, Damien
h1. Initializing and synchronizing a Git repository
2 1 ROQUE, Damien
3 3 ROQUE, Damien
This documentation explains how to create a Git repository synchronized with a SourceForge project. For ease of use, we will assume in the following that the project identifier and the repository name are identical : @my_project@.
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h2. Optional: configuring Git user identity
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If you are using Git for the first time, you should first consider setting user related parameters. If already used Git on your user session, you can skip this step.
8 3 ROQUE, Damien
9 3 ROQUE, Damien
git config --global <name>
10 3 ROQUE, Damien
git config --global <email>
11 3 ROQUE, Damien
12 3 ROQUE, Damien
13 1 ROQUE, Damien
h2. Repository initialization and remote configuration
14 1 ROQUE, Damien
15 1 ROQUE, Damien
Create a new directory named after @my_project@ and initialize a Git structure inside it.
16 1 ROQUE, Damien
17 1 ROQUE, Damien
mkdir my_project
18 1 ROQUE, Damien
cd my_project
19 1 ROQUE, Damien
git init
20 1 ROQUE, Damien
21 1 ROQUE, Damien
22 1 ROQUE, Damien
Connect the local repository to the remote SourceForge, this links is named @origin@.
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24 1 ROQUE, Damien
git remote add origin
25 1 ROQUE, Damien
26 1 ROQUE, Damien
27 2 ROQUE, Damien
h2. First commit and push to the remote repository
28 1 ROQUE, Damien
29 1 ROQUE, Damien
Create and add a dummy file to the repository (to be adapted to something useful).
30 1 ROQUE, Damien
31 1 ROQUE, Damien
echo "This is a test file" > file1.txt
32 1 ROQUE, Damien
git add file1.txt
33 1 ROQUE, Damien
34 1 ROQUE, Damien
35 1 ROQUE, Damien
Commit the changes locally and push the changes to the remote repository.
36 1 ROQUE, Damien
37 1 ROQUE, Damien
git commit -m "My first commit including a dummy file"
38 1 ROQUE, Damien
git push origin master
39 1 ROQUE, Damien
40 1 ROQUE, Damien
Notice that the last instruction can be abbreviated by @git push@ if the remote identifier and branch are set as default.
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42 1 ROQUE, Damien
git push --set-upstream origin master
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h2. Updating changes from remote users
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If you are collaborating with other users (or using several computers), you can update your local repository thanks to the following instruction.
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git pull
50 1 ROQUE, Damien