Further improvements » History » Version 29

SERRA FONT, Anna, 03/23/2015 11:31 PM

1 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
h1. Further improvements
2 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
3 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
As we have seen, the link budget equations can become very complex and, during the two months we have had to develop this project, sometimes we have had to do some assumptions in order to simplify the calculus and thus achieve a coherent software tool.
4 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
5 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
At the beginning of the project we did a long list of all possible options and features that could be included in a link budget tool, selecting them by order of priority in order to implement them.
6 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
7 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
Finally, in this last part is shown a list of other features and improvements that could be performed for future students.
8 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
9 26 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. System Geometry
10 26 SERRA FONT, Anna
11 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
It can occurs that when the user calculates the elevation angles of the system, these give a negative value. It occurs when the earth station has no visibility with the satellite due to the latitude and longitude introduced.
12 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
13 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
Currently the SatLinkTool is designed so that a popup warning users appears when this happens. Pressing the 'Show on the map' button the user can see on the map where its earth stations are located, and a further improvement would be to add a contour with the satellite visibility, i.e. mark on the map all the coordinates from where earth stations have visibility to the satellite (and hence an elevation angle greater than 0) to facilitate the user the right choice of latitudes and longitudes.
14 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
15 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 75%}contour_improvement.png!
16 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
17 28 SERRA FONT, Anna
18 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
19 3 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
20 27 SERRA FONT, Anna
Increase the possibilities of $BER$ and corresponding $\frac{Eb}{No}$ and Code gains. Our possible modulation applied is based in a table of the situation of Quasi-error-Free. As seeing in the figure below, from [1].Quasi-error-free (QEF) means that we will have less than one uncorrected error event per hour, for this table this situations correspond to a PER (Packet error ratio - relative to the symbols) about $10^{-7}$ .
21 7 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
22 7 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
23 7 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 45%}quasierrortable.png!  
24 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
25 14 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 30em">Figure 1 - Table applied in SatLinkTool, Quasi-error-free situation, from reference [1].
26 10 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
27 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
28 9 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
We would like to add others situations like the for a situation without FEC, when code rate = 1. We have already start this implementation. In the first steps we'we implemented, for QPSK,BPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK and 32PSK, the graphic of $BER$ x $\frac{Eb}{No}$. One idea, is take the value of $\frac{Eb}{No}$ from a user input of $BER$, and then, perform the calculations. This implementations in labview can be see below. 
29 9 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
30 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 80%}improvement.png!  
31 8 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
&nbsp; <div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 40em"> Figure 2 - Possible reference application to further increase of $BER$ possibilities </div>
32 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
33 27 SERRA FONT, Anna
To take the $\frac{Eb}{No}$ value from a $BER$ input, we can explore matlab functions like _solve(x,y)_.
34 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
35 14 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
36 14 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
37 19 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
In downlink we have as an input, the $Tsky$ which can be assimilated as the the brightness temperature for the angle of elevation of the antenna, and for a frequency of downlink. As we done with th $ho$ value, which is take automatically by the input position of earth stations, in further improvements we can also help the user and automated the process to take $Tsky$ values using the following graphics. Probably this graphics can be obtained in "ITU site":http://www.itu.int/en/Pages/default.aspx [2] or "EUTELSAT site":http://www.eutelsat.com/en/home.html [3] in versions which we can manipulate with MATLAB. Then using the input values take it directly, in order to have one approximation nearer to the real implementation. In the figure 4, we can see the graphics which can be used to further improvement mentioned.  
38 14 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
39 18 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 70%}improvement3.png!  
40 17 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
41 19 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 70em"> Figure 3 - In the left side The ESA/EUTELSAT model of the earth’s brightness temperature at Ku band - From [FEN-95]., in the right side brightness temperature in function of frequency and elevation angle(7:5 g=cm3 humidity at ground level) - From CCIR Rep 720–2. </div>
42 20 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
43 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
44 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
45 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
We have developed the first step to calculate the total depointing angle. It consist in the angles of satellite-earth station geometry angles $\alpha $, $\alpha$ *, $\beta$,  $\beta$ * and true view angles($\theta$, $\varphi$). In the matlab code applied in this step we also have more useful information like the distance of the satellite to the Earth location $R$. values. One further improvement is finalize this implementation, performing the total depointing, and then the minimum antenna diameter of receiving Earth Station  (ES B in Satlinktool). The pre-defined window for this implementation is the _Depointing 2_, located in Payload -> Antenna. This window is showed in figure 4, below:
46 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
47 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 40%}improvement2.png!  
48 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
49 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 40em"> Figure 4 - Pre-defined window to finalization of total depointing angle computing </div>
50 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
51 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
52 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
53 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
54 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
We can summarize the general improvements (in addition as these mentioned before), in the following points:
55 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Improve the apresentation of SatlinkTool: Lock tables, form groups, think about the presentation of each window, evaluate the relevance of each action executed and highlight the mean points.
56 23 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Improve the Payload :  Think about the transparent Payload, put more options of multicarriers, establish a coherent relation with ${(C/N)}_T$, reevaluate  the application of $IBO$, $OBO$ taking TWTA power models, consult teachers, books, sites, etc. Also think about the possibility of have the _Regenerative Payload_ calculation option.
57 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Thinking about extend the application not only to the GEO satellites, but for more types.
58 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Take data from developed models of satellites and include it like an option of "default values", having the  possibility to check and perform their Link Budget.
59 22 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Thinking about the presentation of final results, if it's really clear, provide creative presentations, see what can be kept and what can be change.
60 24 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Apply a calculate button that perform and update all main calculations in each all tabs ( to avoid update the computing by press one by one _calculate_ button in the windows). One possibility is use an interruption. 
61 24 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
62 13 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
63 1 SERRA FONT, Anna
64 25 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
[1] Maral, Gérald / Bousquet, Michel. +Satellite Communication System+.-5th ed. UK, 2009.
65 20 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
[2] http://www.itu.int/en/Pages/default.aspx
66 20 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
[3] http://www.eutelsat.com/en/home.html