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RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson , 03/20/2015 06:49 PM
Tests and results¶
The aim of this part is to demonstrate the proper functioning of the tool. That is, the explanation of how we have shown that the results of all the link budget operations are correct, as well as that the tool is understandable for a user who has never used before.
For that purpose, different test with other students have been carried out. Thus, it has been possible to identify the difficulties of understanding of some aspects. For instance, we have identified some hesitation to understand well what refers each input parameter, and so we could take steps to correct it, and add more explanation in the popup help, or add some diagrams blocks in some tabs in order to have an extra visual aid of the correct placement of each parameter in the process.
Checking results¶
Below are shown the different verification carried out in each tab in order to verify the correct computation implementation.
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50em">*Figure 2* - Gain and losses from a signal travelling from a transmitter to a receiver, considering individual uplink path. P is the power before the transmitter amplifier, Gain is the transmitter amplifier gain, PR is the power received, Loss 1 the power lost due to the transmitter equipment, Loss 2 the power lost due to the atmosphere effects, Loss 3 the power lost due to the receiver equipment.
tip. libro y proyecto 2
System Geometry¶
tip. ejemplos libro 5.4.2 y 5.6.2
tip. Ederson
tip. ejemplos libro 5.4.3 y 5.6.3
Overall link¶
h1 References
http://www.eutelsat.com/ (Azimuth and Elevation angles)