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RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson , 02/02/2015 12:19 PM

1 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
h1. Satlink Tool : A tool for analysing GEO Satcom 
2 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
3 6 SERRA FONT, Anna
4 6 SERRA FONT, Anna
5 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
6 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
7 9 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Context
8 7 SERRA FONT, Anna
9 11 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
SATCOM is the term used for communication via satellite. In this communication a signal is transmitted from the Earth up to a satellite, and then is received back at a different location on Earth. When the satellite is located on a geostationary orbit this process is called GEO satellite communication. The global analysis of a GEO satellite communication system depends on many different parameters: the position of the satellite and earth stations, the characteristics of analog RF links, the satellite payload, the environment and the characteristics of the digital link. The main analysis tool is the *link budget*. 
10 11 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
11 12 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p(. In the signal transmission, the linked budget take in account all attenuation due to the environment and the equipment  and give us a result in terms of
12 12 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
  power, efficiency and service of the satellite communication system. In this education tool we'll present the performance results related to signal Uplink and Downlink path, the satellite and Earth station payload implemented, the service provided and the geometry of the system. This educational environment is developed to be applied in order to facilitate the comprehension of the design and performance of satellite systems, specially aims at Geostationary satellites. GEO satellites are those that have a circular orbit around the earth at an altitude around 36000Km. 
13 12 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
The figure 1 show a   
14 7 SERRA FONT, Anna
15 9 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Objective
16 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
17 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
The aim of this project is to develop a comprehensive tool in LabVIEW that will offer future students the ability to test different satellite links and derive the end-to-end system performance. This software will offer the possibility to, from a set of input parameters, creatively show the expected link budget of the satellite in order to determinate parameters like EIRP, G/T or BER. In addition, since a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in SATCOM is intended to start in June 2015, it would be an interesting option to distribute this program thought the website of the SCS programme.
18 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
19 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
20 2 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
h4. Delimitation of system boards
21 10 SERRA FONT, Anna
22 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
This project is based in some pre-definitions which edged its application. These limitations are listed below:
23 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
24 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
25 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Bibliography
26 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
27 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
Maral, Gérald / Bousquet, Michel. +Satellite Communication System+.-5th ed. UK, 2009.
28 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
29 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Authors
30 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
31 8 SERRA FONT, Anna
32 8 SERRA FONT, Anna