BPSK link BER simulation » History » Version 7

ABDALLAH, Hussein, 03/23/2016 01:19 PM

1 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
h1. BPSK link BER simulation
2 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
3 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
For a beginner of LABVIEW, The first step of simulation is building a BPSK communication chain with Gauss White Noise channel and without coding. 
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Communication chain of BPSK without coding
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Like the figure above, we first generate the pseudorandom series bits “0” or “1”, then use BPSK modulation, we make “0” with 0 radian phase, and “1” with pi radian phase. Put signal through the Gauss White Noise channel, of course the noise comes out through the Eb/N0 calibration module, the next step is BPSK demodulation, use it to recovery the information bits, then the last step if calculate the BER. According the different Eb/N0, we get the different BER, the we draw the BER curve as a function of Eb/N0, 
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The following is the program block with G-language:
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Figure of the communication chain blocks without coding 1
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Figure of the communication chain blocks without coding 2
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Figure of the communication chain blocks without coding 3
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The interface of Labview is shown as following:
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Communication Chain interface without coding of BPSK
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