Defining the Mission » History » Version 2

ABDALLAH, Hussein, 03/23/2016 10:44 AM

1 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
h1. Defining the Mission
2 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
3 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
Voyager 1 & 2 are two Space Probes. They are part of the *Voyager Interstellar Mission VIM* leading by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration *NASA*. They were launched on August 20th & September 5th, 1977 (39 years journey) after been built at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. These probes are managed & tracked until nowadays by NASA, and they send information by a communication system called Deep Space Network DSA.
4 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
5 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
6 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
7 2 ABDALLAH, Hussein
8 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
9 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
10 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
11 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
12 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein
13 1 ABDALLAH, Hussein