Implementation » History » Version 46

RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson , 03/23/2015 03:35 AM

1 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
h1. Implementation
2 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
3 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
4 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
5 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
At this point we were familiar with the system analyse of a link budget, knowledge acquired throughout the different subjects imparted in the master course and especially thanks to the realisation of the project 2 (_Design of a regional multi-beam satellite system_), that has an strong bond with the present project.
6 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
7 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Diagram block of application development
8 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
9 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
The diagram below shows the planning with the different phases we have designed in order to perform the successful and coherent development of the tool.
10 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
11 20 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 70%}plan_application.png!  
12 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 25em">Figure 1: Project plan diagram.
13 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
14 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
15 13 SERRA FONT, Anna
In short, the first steps were to decide what would be the basic structure of our link budget program and identify all the parameters and possible calculations, as well as the logical place to perform them in this structure. Thus, a preliminary design with the fundamental and simplest conditions has been performed, to then add gradually other features in order to improve its capabilities. Finally, verification of results and testing with subjects has been done in order to finish the complete design of the tool. These steps are further explained below.
16 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
17 13 SERRA FONT, Anna
18 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
19 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Overview Application Plan
20 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
21 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
At the beginning of this project it was essential to ask ourselves about what we would expect of tool a Link Budget Tool. For instance, some thoughts we considered were:  _If I had an analysis tool... what would I do with it? What would be the settings I give? What would be the results that I expect?_
22 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
23 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
Hence, in order to design a tool to help with the comprehension of the link budget analysis, we have had to ask each time the question _"How will I present my results and information?”_. This leads us to the *GUI (Graphical User Interface)*, one of the key points of this project.
24 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
25 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
When we thought about all this aspects, we know what it has to do, which are the necessary parameters and results we want to show, etc. At this point, we can start to design our screen according to this. Thus, we identified the topology of the satellite communication system and we divided it in the following block groups, that corresponds to different tabs in the software tool:
26 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
27 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *Service:* The user introduces the requirements of his system (i.e. modulation, channel BW, code rate, margin, etc.), and the tool gives as outputs the required information bit rate, overall link carrier-to-power noise power ratio, etc.
28 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
29 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *System Geometry:* The user introduces the latitude and longitude of the earth stations and the satellite and he obtains as outputs the corresponding azimuth and elevation angles and the range between satellite and each earth station.
30 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
31 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *Uplink:* The user introduces all the parameters involved from the transmission on earth station A to the reception at the satellite, including the uplink path losses depending on the weather conditions. All the results associated with uplink are computed, being the uplink carrier-to-power noise spectral density the most important result.
32 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
33 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *Payload:* The user introduces the input back-off and the carrier-to-power intermodulation power ratio is computed.
34 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
35 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *Downlink:* Similar to uplink, but here the parameters introduced by the user are those involved from the satellite transmission to the reception on earth station B.
36 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
37 15 SERRA FONT, Anna
* *Overall link:* The user can see a summary of the principle results obtained in the previous tabs and introducing the carrier power-to-interference power ratio of the system the tool determines if the link budget requirements are achieved with the given specifications or not.
38 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
39 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
40 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Preliminary design
41 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
42 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
It is known that link budget equations can become messy and complex and this calculus involve several aspects and conditions, furthermore, link budget can be analysed from different points of view. Globally, it can be defined with the following approaches:
43 5 SERRA FONT, Anna
* The first approach is a feasibility study: The user gives the features of the system, the targeted service, the bit rate, the bit error rate, etc., and the link budget says either if it is possible with this margin or if this is not possible (negative margin).
44 11 SERRA FONT, Anna
45 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* In the second approach the user also defines the features of the system, and then the link budget says what is possible to do in terms of bit rate, bit error rate, etc.
46 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
47 13 SERRA FONT, Anna
* Finally there is a third approach where the user says which is the service he would like to have, and the link budget tool finds all the system settings. But this approach is much more complex, because as there are several parameters to define, it turns into a lot of different configuration options.
48 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
49 19 SERRA FONT, Anna
In the interest of simplification we have implemented the link budget using the first approach: the *feasibility study*.
50 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
51 19 SERRA FONT, Anna
Thus, once defined what would be the program structure, we started implementing the calculations starting from a first basic implementation. I.e. calculating the basic parameters for each tab and taking the simplest hypothesis (e.g. clear sky conditions rather than rain conditions), and finally by assembling the individual results for the overall link budget.
52 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
53 19 SERRA FONT, Anna
At this early stage we had a first implementation, comprehensive and simplified, but only with the numerical values. From here we started, in the one hand, to focus on the visual and clear interface aspect of the program and, in the second hand, to add more complex equations and conditions, as well as new LabVIEW features that are listed below.
54 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
55 13 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Added features
56 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
57 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* *Service*
58 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Multicarrier/Singlecarrier*
59 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
This feature allows to select between a multicarrier and singlecarrier mode. If the singlecarrier is selected, there will be one carrier per transponder, which means that all transponder Bandwith will be used  only by this carrier. In multicarrier mode, we have implemented the option of 3 carrier per transponder. Then the transponder BW will be divided by 3, and we'll have different formulas to compute the IBO, OBO. In multicarrier there will be an inter modulation product and  ${(C/No)}_{IM}$ that will affect the available ${(C/No)}_{T}$. When a mode is selected the payload transponder window will use the corresponding formulas, the mode will  also be indicated in the payload transponder window,  in a dialog box.  
60 39 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Selection of BER (Quasi-error-free , $BER=10^{-7}$).*
61 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
The SatLinkTool was firstly designed to take in account modulations, with a range of code rates, in the situation of Quasi-error-free. Each code rate imposes a code gain in comparison with the "no coding" situation. In service, the user can select a modulation (BPSK,QPSK,8PSK, 16PSK,32PSK), the channel Bandwith, and the mode (single/Multicarrier), and, in accordance with this inputs, a required ${(C/N)}_{T}$ is generated. This latter value, will be compared, after all path calculations, will the available ${(C/N)}_{T}$. A table with all possible code rates and modulations for the application is showed in [[Further Improvements]].
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63 41 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 35%}service.png!  
64 40 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
65 41 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 25em">Figure 2- service features.
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67 39 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *System Geometry*
68 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
 In system geometry  we have added a map with indicates the position of the two stations (A and B ). This map has the objective to situate the user with in according of the input latitude and longitude.
69 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* *Payload*
70 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Depointing 1* 
71 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
One of more exhaustive calculated is related to the optimal antenna diameter. To perform this value, we have to calculate the total depointing angle. In the _Depointing 1_ window the angles of the geometry satellite-Earth Station B( Downlink station) are computing. The aim of this computation is provide a first step to the total depointing angle calculate. This calculation take the values of the Satellite and Earth Station B position from the window _System Geometry_. Then, if the user want change the input parameters, it is necessary to go to the _System Geometry_ window, set them, and recalculate.
72 39 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Transponder*
73 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
The payload chosen to be used in this application is the Transparent payload. As mentioned before,  two modes are provides multi/single carrier. The transponder window perform, from an $IBO$ input, $OBO$, intermodulation product,${(C/No)}_{IM}$ , and $(C/No)sat$ values related.
74 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* *Uplink/ Downlink* 
75 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Clear Sky or Rain condition*  
76 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
The main features implemented in uplink downlink is the possibility to choose between _clear sky_ and _rain conditions_. The user can also specify the losses of the system (Path loss: gas attenuation, rainfall rate, exceed percentual) in according with the Earth Station position, and Earth station Loss  (Noise temperature of feeder, Tground etc). The main values of link budget ${(C/No)}_{U,D}$, $EIRP$, $G/T$   are the outputs of each individual path (uplink: Earth Station A => Satellite, downlink: Satellite => Earth Station B).   
77 35 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
In rain conditions there is the possibility to see a map with the $R001$ values in according with Earth Station position.This graphic is interesting to have an idea of what can be the coherent values of $R001$ to choose.
78 39 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** $h0$ - _Yearly average 0°C isotherm height(km) above sea level_ (value used to compute the effect of rain conditions), is done automatically by the locations of the Earth Stations. For each one, the link budget uses an ITU Recommendation
79 37 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
table, with, for a input of longitude and latitude, gives the correspondent $ho$ - value. The table of values is based on the graphic below:
80 38 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
81 41 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 50%}h0.jpg!  
82 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
83 41 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50em">Figure 3 - $ho$ table _Yearly average 0°C isotherm height(km) above sea level_ . From "ITU-R P.839-4": ("Download zip source"!!
84 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
85 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
86 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* *Overal Link*
87 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Required Objective accomplished - Indicator*
88 42 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
We have implemented one "led" indicator which signalize if with the modulation, carrier mode, and code rate specified in the _Service_ window, our system is capable/or not to accomplished the ${C/N}_T$ _Required_.
89 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
** *Graphic of ${C/N}_T$ comparison*
90 44 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
This graphic have the comparison of the values obtained by our system  ${C/N}_T$ _Available_ in comparison with the ${C/N}_T$ _Required_ . It's a final result for the user. This results can be appear like the three situations as show in the picture below. 
91 44 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
**In the first situation the system achieved the required ${C/N}_T$ for the modulation input in the _Service_ window. In blue we have the available ${C/N}_T$, in red the required ${C/N}_T$ and in green the extra margin of our system.
92 44 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
**In the second situation the system not achieved the required ${C/N}_T$ for the modulation input in the _Service_ window, in yellow we have the needed ${C/N}_T$ to achieve the required. In this situation the available ${C/N}_T$ is greater than zero.
93 44 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
**In the third situation the system also not achieved the required ${C/N}_T$ for the modulation specified, in yellow we have the needed ${C/N}_T$ to achieve the required. Notice that in this situation the available ${C/N}_T$ is lower than zero, which means that the linear value of the available ${C/N}_T$ is lower than 1. (corresponding to a situation with great attenuation due to loss).
94 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
95 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 70%}overal3.png!  
96 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
97 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 70em">Figure 4- Comparison of ${(C/N)}_T$ _Required_ and ${(C/N)}_T$ _Avaiable_  with the "led" indicator of accomplishment of system requirements with the modulation chosen. 
98 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
Three situations:
99 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
*First ${(C/N)}_T$ avaiable$>$ ${(C/N)}_T$
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*Second situation ${(C/N)}_T$ avaiable$<$ ${(C/N)}_T$   required, and ${(C/N)}_T$ avaiable > 0dB 
101 46 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
*Third situation ${(C/N)}_T$ avaiable$<$ ${(C/N)}_T$   required, and ${(C/N)}_T$ avaiable < 0 dB.
102 32 SERRA FONT, Anna
103 32 SERRA FONT, Anna
104 32 SERRA FONT, Anna
105 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
- Por otra parte, se han añadido funcionalidades como:
106 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
* los botones de CLEAR VARIABLES
107 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
108 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
* HELP POP-UP en todos los parámetros para ayudar a la correcta comprensión del usuario.
109 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Dibujos esquemáticos/diagramas para ayudar a la comprensión de los parámetros.
110 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
111 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Final design
112 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
113 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
In Figures 2 to 8 are shown the captures with the final design of each of the different tabs of the _SatToolLink_.
114 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
115 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Service:
116 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
117 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 60%}servicePage.png!  
118 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
119 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 30em">Figure 2: First window of SatlinkTool - _Service_.
120 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
121 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
122 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
h3. System Geometry:
123 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
124 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 61%}SystemGeometryPage.png!  
125 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
126 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 30em">Figure 3: Second window of SatlinkTool - _System Geometry_.
127 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
128 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
129 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Uplink:
130 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
131 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 60%}uplinkpage.png!  
132 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
133 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 25em">Figure 4: Third window of SatlinkTool - _Uplink_.
134 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
135 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
136 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Payload:
137 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
138 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
* Transponder window:
139 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
140 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 60%}PayloadTransponderPage.png!  
141 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
142 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 30em">Figure 5: Fourth window of SatlinkTool - _Payload: Transponder_.
143 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
144 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
145 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
* Antenna window:
146 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
147 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 60%}PayloadAntennaPage2.png!  
148 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
149 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 30em">Figure 6: Fourth window of SatlinkTool - _Payload: Antenna_.
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151 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
152 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Downlink:
153 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
154 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 60%}downlinkPage.png!  
155 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
156 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 25em">Figure 7: Fifth window of SatlinkTool - _Downlink_.
157 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
158 18 SERRA FONT, Anna
159 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
h3. Overall link:
160 17 SERRA FONT, Anna
161 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
p=. !{width: 60%}overallPage.png!  
162 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
163 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 25em">Figure 8: Sixth window of SatlinkTool - _Downlink_.
164 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
165 29 SERRA FONT, Anna
166 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
167 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
Finally, the figure below (Figure 8) shows the window where the user will have to attach the files needed for the correct functioning of the SatLinkTool.
168 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
169 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
* _map.txt_: File needed to show the map with the two earth station locations corresponding to the parameters entered in the System Geometry tab.
170 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
* _h01.txt_ and _h02.txt_: These files are used when the _Rain Condition_ is selected either in the Uplink tab or the Downlink tab in order to compute the 0 degree isotherm height (see section _Added Features_ above for more information) [1]. 
171 24 SERRA FONT, Anna
172 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
p=. !{width: 30%}AttachFiles.png!  
173 23 SERRA FONT, Anna
<div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 20em">Figure 9: Attach file window of SatlinkTool.
174 14 SERRA FONT, Anna
175 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
176 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
177 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
h2. Validation & Final tests
178 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
179 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
As the calculations were implemented in the different tabs, the results were also checked. Finally, once all the SatLinkTool design and implementation was completed, all tests were remade in order to verify the correct results. Tests with other students were also made in order to verify if the operation program was understood. This allowed us to detect the weak points of the tool and where we should modify the design or add additional explanation in the help pop-up. These steps are more detailed in section [[Tests and results]].
180 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
181 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
h2. Delivery Application
182 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
183 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
SatLinkTool is intended to be distributed out of charge through the website of the SCS program for future students. The files needed to use this tool are the following:
184 30 SERRA FONT, Anna
185 31 SERRA FONT, Anna
* File name: ** - File format: _LabVIEW Instrument (.vi)_
186 25 SERRA FONT, Anna
* File name: *map.txt* - File format: _Text file (.txt)_
187 25 SERRA FONT, Anna
* File name: *h01.txt* - File format: _Text file (.txt)_ 
188 25 SERRA FONT, Anna
* File name: *h02.txt* - File format: _Text file (.txt)_
189 25 SERRA FONT, Anna
190 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
A user manual of the SatLinkTool Software is also provided in order to support the users for the correct understanding of the tool and the process to follow. The User Manual is presented [[How to use it|here]].
191 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
192 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
193 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
194 1 RIBAS MACHADO, Ederson
[1] Rec. ITU-R P.839-4 {UPDATE} Para el cálculo de h0