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Gimenez Silva, Adriana, 12/15/2015 09:36 AM

1 15 PASCHOS, Alexandros
h1. *6. Results*
2 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
3 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
When the communication between the USRPs was established, the transmitted constellation below was obtained.
4 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
5 3 PASCHOS, Alexandros
p=. !{width: 30%} Constellation)!
6 11 PASCHOS, Alexandros
_Figure 6.1 Transmitted Constellation_
7 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
8 16 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
Using the reshape function in LabVIEW, the symbol rate of 62500 symbols/sec is multiplied by the number of samples per symbol, since the demodulator dunction assumes that this would be the sample rate of the input waveform. The received constellation is shown below. The $BER$ in this case is, evidently, 0.
9 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
10 3 PASCHOS, Alexandros
p=. !{width: 30%} Constellation)!
11 11 PASCHOS, Alexandros
_Figure 6.2 Received Constellation without AWGN_
12 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
13 14 PASCHOS, Alexandros
The constellation on Figure 6.3 was obtained when adding AWGN, for a target $E_b/N_0$ (received $E_b/N_0$) of 5.The constellation will vary as the values of $E_b/N_0$ vary, making it either noisier, or making it resemble a noiseless channel.
14 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
15 3 PASCHOS, Alexandros
p=. !{width: 30%} Constellation)!
16 11 PASCHOS, Alexandros
_Figure 6.3 Noisy Constellation_
17 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
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With AWGN, the $BER$ is calculated, then compared to the theoretical one, obtaining a $BER$ vs $E_b/N_0$ graph like the one depicted below in Figure 6.4. It can be seen that the simulated $BER$ follows, as expected, the same behavior as the theoretical $BER$, validating simulated results
19 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
20 8 PASCHOS, Alexandros
p=. !{width: 60%} an Simulated)!
21 11 PASCHOS, Alexandros
_Figure 6.4 BER vs Eb/No without coding_
22 5 PASCHOS, Alexandros
23 17 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
The $BER$ is also calculated for a the BCH code (31,15,3) and for BCH (7,4,1), and compared to the simulated $BER$ without coding. The resulting graphs presented below
24 1 PASCHOS, Alexandros
25 17 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
p=. !{width: 60%} Coding(31,15,3))!
26 17 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
_Figure 6.5 BER vs Eb/No with BCH(31,15,3) coding_
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28 17 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
p=. !{width: 60%} Coding BCH(7,4,1))!
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_Figure 6.6 BER vs Eb/No with BCH(7,4,1)_
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31 17 Gimenez Silva, Adriana
Both codes have roughly a rate of 1/2, but it is observed that there is greater improvement for BCH (31, 15,3) since this code can correct more errors in a given bit length (simulated bit stream is of length 3000 bits) than BCH(7,4,1). For BCH (31, 15,3) there is a coding gain of 3,5dB for a $BER=10^-5$ while for BCH(7,4,1) the coding gain for the same $BER$ is of 2dB.